Houston Data Center

Address: 1208 N Post Oak Rd #100, Houston, TX | Phone: (713) 869-0001

As technology continues to advance and integrate into everyday business functions, possessing a solid IT infrastructure becomes increasingly more critical. Small and medium-sized business owners tend to play many different roles within their organizations, such as administrators, sales professionals, marketing officers, and more. However, certain tasks may be too difficult to manage by your lonesome, such as ensuring your network, server, and personal data are monitored and protected. At Truewater, we aim to ease the burden of overseeing your company’s IT network through our managed Houston data center services. Contact us today to learn more.


What is a Managed Data Center?

Although many small and mid-sized business owners believe they don’t need to update and manage their server and its data, that mindset couldn’t be further from the truth. Numerous tasks are involved in maintaining a company’s IT infrastructure to ensure all aspects are seamless. A managed IT provider such as Truewater utilizes their expertise to perform tasks necessary to maintaining a network, including:

  • Detecting driver failures
  • Updating antivirus software
  • Reviewing and preserving backup data
  • Ensuring adequate space on the server
  • Disaster planning and recovery

A managed data center service provider hosts and oversees your IT infrastructure, either at a third-party location or within your facility. Whether you wish to maintain some administrative ability or leave your data management entirely in the hands of the provider, you can rest assured that your information is always monitored and secure.

The transition from on-site equipment and hosting to a third-party provider is not as difficult as it may seem. At Truewater, we handle all aspects of your migration, so you can focus on running your business. Our team is composed of experienced IT support technicians that know the best practices of moving sensitive information from one location to another. It’s never been easier to manage and maintain your network.

Benefits of Data Center Infrastructure Management

More companies than ever before are turning to third-party providers to manage their server and networks. Running an IT structure internally can be expensive, and choosing a managed data center allows businesses to offset the cost. Small and mid-size business owners reap the following benefits of utilizing our Houston data center infrastructure management:

  • IT security and tech support. Onsite security teams coupled with IT engineers detect issues before they occur to minimize damages and help keep your business running.
  • Reliable backups. Experience peace of mind knowing that your company’s and customers’ information is stored and secure in multiple places. Backups occur frequently, reducing downtime.
  • Scalability. Managing your own IT infrastructure means purchasing equipment that doesn’t account for growth or downsizing. With the help of a managed data center, your IT capacity can either scale up or down as your business fluctuates.
  • Equipment lifetime. Technology doesn’t last forever. Rather than purchasing all new equipment when one aspect breaks, a trusted data center’s team can effectively remove and replace faulty parts when necessary.
  • Environmentally friendly. Without the proper knowledge, your equipment can overwork and overheat, requiring extra energy to keep cool. Experts in data management know the best methods to ensure your equipment runs at peak performance while utilizing the appropriate amount of energy.

Why Choose Truewater’s Houston Data Center?

At Truewater, our team of computer experts will monitor and manage your entire data infrastructure at all times. Whether your information is stored at your facility, in the cloud, or within our Houston premises, you can trust our deep industry experience to keep your network running. We stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments, so that each of our clients receives the best service possible.

We take a proactive approach when it comes to managing your server and network. In addition to data backups, monitoring, and updating, we place emphasis on our disaster planning tactics. We’re able to prevent IT problems from affecting your day-to-day business operations, and if an issue arises, we’ll work tirelessly to resolve it. If you choose to maintain administrative action, our tech support team will walk you through a series of steps to recover.

Get Started with Our Trusted Houston Data Center Services

With nearly 20 years of experience in the IT industry, we’ve seen it all. There’s no data backup or application failure we can’t handle. When you choose Truewater’s trusted and reliable Houston data center services, you’ll receive a team that goes above and beyond to ensure your network runs smoothly at all times. Contact us today to improve your data management as well as save time and money.


Managed IT Services

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Cloud Computing

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IT Security

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IT Consulting

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Disaster Recovery

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Vendor Management

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